About Niucor

Company Profile
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Niucor was founded in 1954. In 1972, he entered the large-capital and technology-intensive steel industry as a small company. The process and technology of recycling scrap iron and steel have been brought into full play. In just a few years, it has become a dark horse in the steel industry and has won great success; it has become the largest steel company in the United States, and it also leads the world in terms of technology. The new trend of production has been awarded the highest American Medal of Honor for Technological Achievement by the President of the United States ----- the National Medal of Technology.

In recent years, due to the rapid economic development of mainland China, it has brought huge business opportunities in the industrial automation industry. However, due to the homogeneous competition, the industry ecology has deteriorated. At the same time, with the aging of China's population and the process of Industry 4.0, professional automation The contradiction between the demand for talents and the reluctance of current young employees to enter the industry and the departure of industry practitioners, the contradiction between comprehensive solutions based on various application scenarios and the barriers to product integration in the automation industry, and other industry contradictions are getting deeper and deeper;

The co-founder of Niucor Transmission has participated in and witnessed the development of the automation industry in mainland China, and also has a deep insight into the industry's predicament; and based on the current background, Niucor's extensive experience in management, talent training and capital operation is used in To explore the development of China's automation industry; determined to maximize the value of participants at all levels of the industry chain through innovative methods.

Niucor is headquartered in Shenzhen, China, the capital of technological innovation, and also has South China and East China manufacturing and logistics centers in the mainland; at the same time, various regional branches and product branches will be set up in other regions; also welcomes the majority of automation industry practitioners Those who understand and agree with Niucor's values and join us.

Our changes:

We will do what the market needs! ------Never work behind closed doors, products/solutions come from the market.

Partnership is our direction! ----- We are all working for ourselves.

Creating value is the basis of our survival! -----The era of poor information and simple sales will eventually pass.